welcome to vista

Worship with us online!

Worship with us digitally on Sundays at 10am. We will livestream worship songs and a message, watching together as a church family. Be sure to share and invite others too – we have plenty of space!

Online Small Groups are here!

If the past few weeks have taught us anything, it’s that we’re designed to be in community. We know that there are many in our church that haven’t connected with a Small Group just yet. So we want to help out! You can join an online small group with others in the church as we connect together. Learn more and sign up today!

Pause and Pray Challenge

Many of our regular rhythms and routines have been so disrupted that every day seems to be an undifferentiated desert of time that we just feel a little lost in. But have no fear! Vista has resources to help us structure our days so that we no longer feel lost, but found. Join us in this Pause and Pray Challenge!
Three times a day—morning, mid-day, and evening—we pause and we pray. What do we pray about? Glad you asked! We provide a flexible guide for our prayers that prompts us to receive the gift of a new day during morning prayer, to remember others during mid-day prayer, and to reflect on the day with gratitude during evening prayer.

Give Digitally to Vista

In a season where we often want to hold on, but God reminds us to let go and trust Him. When you give to Vista, the money directly impacts local and global partner organizations, from helping the homeless to bolstering food pantries to supporting missionaries across the world.

Be a Good Neighbor

All of us will find ourselves in one of two camps over the next few weeks. Either we are able to help others, or we could use a little help from others. We will often eb and flow between these two places, but if we are faithful to stay connected to the church body in both seasons then there should be no unmet need among us. Click below to find a way to serve or simply ask for a little help during this season.
We are hoping to gather stories of beauty and goodness from our community. Do you have a story to share? Maybe a neighbor has gone above and beyond. Maybe your friends have come together in a unique way. Maybe a small business has stepped up to help those in need. We want to hear about it!

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How Vista is Responding to COVID-19

We know these are strange times and wanted to share a few things we felt might be helpful. Regarding Sunday gatherings, as we follow the advice of our local officials we will be continuing to gather online for Sunday worship and mid week ministries until further notice.  And to be as clear as possible: we’re not doing this because we’re afraid, and we have no desire to feed the hysteria, and it’s quite likely an unnecessary measure. Rather, we’re doing this because we think it’s an opportunity to join our community in loving and protecting our elderly neighbors who are particularly susceptible to COVID-19.
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